What little boy doesn't love the chance to sit in a big rig?
Since Loren had a little extra corn that the cattle wouldn't need for feed, it was arranged for Josh's cousin Seth to haul a load off for him last week. Tuesday morning, Seth arrived with his semi to get the job done. Most of the time we just haul it the short distance to the processing plant ourselves using our gravity flow wagons, so loading isn't such a big deal since we're used to seeing it done that way. But since this time we were using the semi and it would be a rare opportunity for the kids, I wanted to make sure that Caleb was there to see the action. Leave it to me to forget about the excitement until almost too late! As soon as I remembered, I called Josh to make sure Seth was still there (Great Papa's place) and sure enough (and luckily for me!) he was... for about another ten minutes, Josh said. So I hurriedly shoe'd the kids, hopped in the car and made the short trip down the road in time to see the last little bit of the semi being loaded up.
It took a little bit of convincing, but Papa finally got Caleb up the ladder to see up close what was going on. |
He made it! Caleb used to be rather anxious around heights, but here recently, he's overcome that and now climbs anything he can. |
Then it took a little convincing to get him to climb up into the cab. But once he did, he had a great time despite being a little on the shy side! That looks like Josh there talking to Caleb, but actually that's Cousin Seth warming him up. Seth has four young'uns of his own, so he knew exactly what to show Caleb to get him going. If I remember right, I think he was trying to get Caleb to honk the horn! |
He finally did! When we were on our way to see the action, Caleb was very excited to actually be able to honk a semi horn. Then I disappointed him terribly when I told him that since we were going to be so close to the cattle, we probably wouldn't be able to honk the horn, lest we spook them. Imagine how thrilled he was when he was given permission by the men to go ahead and let her blow! He was one happy little boy. |
One last look inside before finishing up and watching Seth take off. I'm not sure when he'll get another chance to experience a semi, but this was pretty well what he talked about for the rest of the day.
And where is Sarah Rose in the midst of all this? Well, we tried and tried, but she would have nothing to do with any of it. She hid behind my skirt most of the time, before running off to collect dandelion puffs to blow wishes on. But we did try! |
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