First, Signs of Spring:
Among the many, many signs of Spring among us is this one: early evidence that the dwarf lilac bush I planted in the midst of last year's drought didn't perish! I am very pleased with this and hoping that I see lilacs in the next couple of years! |
And another sign of spring: fixing the lawn mower. If we mow the whole yard with the little guy in this picture (your typical 50" deck riding mower), it takes upwards of six hours (PLUS trim time!) to get the whole yard, everything that needs mowed. Thankfully, we have a much bigger mower that is used with the tractor that cuts that time down quite a bit. We just mow around the house and in the knick-knack corners of the yard with the riding mower.
(P.S. This man can fix anything!) |
Secondly, Hold Up!
Some of you may not be aware, but in late April I was the victim of a very traumatic holdup. The suspect demanded all my money, asked how much it was (just enough for an ice cream cone), and then demanded I get back to folding laundry. Thankfully, only seconds later he returned my money. |
Thirdly, Big Pouts.... over everything!
Sarah is quite pouty, a habit I'm working hard on breaking. But this one instance, I couldn't help by smile and grab my camera. In this picture, Sarah is literally in tears because when it was her turn to help check Caleb's math work, he got them all right and she had to draw a smiley face instead of checking some of his work wrong. So not only are we working on the pouting, but we're also working on being happy for others' accomplishments.
By the way, check out her hair. She requested it to be braided like this so that when we took them all out, "it would be all bumpy". Almost 40 braids and three days later, we took them out and she had her wild and crazy curly hair for a day! |
Fourthly, Snow in May:
We got measurable snow on May 2, the first time there has been measurable snow in Iowa since 1967 (I'm pretty sure that's the right year). |
Fifthly, Bible Time:
Every night before the kids' bedtime is our family Bible time. This particular night, Caleb found a comfy spot on Daddy's legs and read along, while Sarah.... |
....fell asleep. She hardly ever does this, but we've been putting in long days and late nights. Sarah is an early riser, so sometimes by the time we're ready for bed, she's tuckered completely out! This night, she couldn't wait any longer and just fell asleep on me. Its been a long time since I've held my sleeping baby; I kinda enjoyed it! |
Sixthly, Breakfast for Supper:
And this is how breakfast for supper rolls in the Van Zante house: two pans going on top, one big platter keeping warm in the oven. This night was pancakes, French toast and sausage. I'm not a big breakfast foods fan, but Josh requests it often enough that I've got the routine down pat. The kids have taken after their father and rather enjoy their plates of pancakes and French toast, too, but they both will not eat eggs. Strange seeing as how they feed and care for the chickens and gather the eggs themselves. |
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