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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bwoooooooooook Bok Bok Bok... Chickens!

**That title post is my best impression of a chicken!** 

Impressive, huh?

A look at our chickens, or chickchicks as we usually refer to them here at home.

The chickchicks are quite interesting creatures.  We lock them up at night so they don't find themselves in a coon's or coyote's belly as a late night snack, but otherwise they run the entirety of the yard all day long... even crossing the road from time to time to the supposed greener grass on the other side. 

When Josh lets them out in the mornings, they go in every direction.  Some just scatter randomly, some go up towards the the silo and feed bags to peck corn, and some head directly to our back door to see what cat food the kitties have left or veggie scraps I've tossed out to them.  As the day go by and they know its getting towards sunset and their bedtime, the whole brood will start following Josh around anxiously waiting for feed time.  Its really funny to watch!  I took this picture when we got home from our bridge exploration, later in the afternoon.  They followed the Jeep all the way into the shop with food on their little (literally) minds!

Attack of the chickchicks!
Time to catch one!
Got one!

What you lookin' at?
Did you say KFC?

And this is what our chickchicks do.  Its takes some effort to keep them laying well.  First, they need plenty of protein.  Do you know why eggs are so high in protein and thus good for a high protein diet?  Its because hens use the surplus protein in their own diets to make eggs.  If a hen has a decent diet with plenty of protein, she'll lay nicely.  Also, hens need at least 12 hours of daylight to continue to lay.  Obviously in the winter, they don't get that.  So we supply a light source in their hen house to supplement with artificial light.  It keeps them laying throughout the winter.  With a little effort, we have a good egg supply that we share with family, friends, neighbors and just who ever wants to buy fresh farm eggs.
Awww... there's my little chicken catcher in the making!  Isn't she a cutie?
And what better way to end a chicken post than a little turkey talk?  After coming in and washing up, the kids enjoyed the sweet Thanksgiving turkeys that Great Grandma and Great Papa sent home for them to enjoy!  The kids looked forward all day to this, and who wouldn't?!

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