I've lost count of the "pictures that don't need a post of their own but I still want to share them so I'll just put them all in one post and call it a random post" posts. Here's another one anyway.
Jumping for Joy
Josh jumping in the air, clicking his heels. I can't do that... can you?
Its been a tough few months, but regardless, we can keep jumping for joy in the providence and love of Jesus Christ! |
Daddy's Buddy
Out of all our several dozens of chickens, we only have one that is somewhat of a pet. His name is Buddy and while he doesn't necessarily like to be picked up, he will freely eat out of Josh's hand. If he sees us sitting at the picnic table for a meal or coffeetime, he'll come running across the yard looking for a treat. |
What is it with kids and bubbles? |
Break out the bubbles and suddenly everyone is all smiles! |
Lazy summer days of hanging around!
Just hanging around!
(He does know how to get in the hammock, he just thinks its funner to not!) |
Laughing with Daddy
One Sunday evening, we just happened to find America's Funniest Videos on television. Caleb thoroughly enjoyed watching clip after clip! He sat on Josh's lap for almost the entire hour, each of them laughing at the silliest of videos. My kids only watch Mommy approved PBS shows and Mommy approved movies, neither of which have commercials. So whenever a commercial would come on, Caleb would ask with deep concern if the funny videos would come back on. |
Rainy Day Recess
One day (I can tell its August 4 from the date on the picture), we were doing school when the weather radio startled us. I don't know how we missed it (well, I do know: we were really into our work), but sure enough it had started getting dark outdoors. The kids have been asking to play in the rain all summer, so we decided that if it DID rain, we would have "recess" outside playing in the rain! As you can see, we did get a little shower. Not measurable if I remember correctly, but perfect for a rainy day recess! |
Still having fun! |
Remember when.... ?
Do you remember back in the day when classroom discipline was the whole class putting their heads on their desk, maybe even missing the entire recess time to do so? We still do that in the Van Zante house. It works wonderfully :-) |
Crafts with a Friend
We've been studying the human body in science and so decided to do a little body craft when we had a friend over for a playday. |
There they are, three cuties and their boney crafts! |
Putting a prize to good use
Caleb won a grand prize package through our local library program and included in the package was a slip 'n' slide. After a bit of practice, the kids got pretty good at slipping down the slide! Here's Caleb.... |
...and here's Sarah Rose.... |
...and here's Drought (the only kitten I allowed us to keep from the last litter). The kids thought it hilarious that Drought wanted to join in the fun. |
I think that finishes my file of random pictures. Its been a fun summer!
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