And here's to another round of random pictures of our everyday life!
On Tuesday, Sarah Rose was showing some serious signs of not feeling good. All day long, she just layed around. Leave it to big brother to get her going! This is them during our devotion time Tuesday night, finishing the time with a round of "Only a Boy Named David". |
By Wednesday, she didn't feel good at all. Big Brother once again to the rescue. After supper, he crawled under the blanket with her to watch a few minutes of a movie before devotions and bed. This comforted both Sarah, stuffy with a cold, and Caleb, who was disappointed in missing church. It makes this mama's heart so happy to see how much my kids love each other! |
By the end of the week, she was back to her happy little self. Here, they made the Lego box into a car with a plastic lid as a steering wheel. Caleb pushed her all around the house, while they both giggled away! |
Saturday night, the severe weather that had been anticipated all week long finally hit. We ended up with just a little tiny hail. |
We've needed a family picture for quite awhile now. But conditions had to be just right: I wanted the cows in the background, I wanted the grass to be green and the sun to be shining, and all that had to happen on a day that I was not dressed in my scrubby house/farm clothes and with my hair somewhat presentable and we had a fifth person around to take a picture! And finally, after much patience, all the conditions fell into place! On a beautiful, sunny Tuesday afternoon, I was still dressed from town, the cows were in the pasture by the yard, the grass was green and Loren was working with Josh! YAY! I have many, many blooper pictures that may end up on a blog of their own, but here's a sample of a good one. You can tell by the look on Sarah's face that it was indeed quite sunny! |
Sunday afternoon was spent playing outside with the kids. At one point, I glanced down at the ground and noticed four and five leaf clovers! The one on top is a four, and the ones on the bottom are five leafs! Its a special hidden talent I have... I am a four leaf clover finding expert! |
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