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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All Boy

Caleb Joshua is ALL boy!  It has been such a blessing to watch him grow and mature to the big five year old little man he has become! 

One of my favorite conversations to have with Caleb is when he asks about his name... why we called him Caleb Joshua.  We knew we wanted our baby boy named after his daddy so we had to find a great name to go with it. I wanted Bible names, so when Caleb asks, I get to tell the story of the twelve spies checking out the Promised Land and how ten of them didn't rely on God's promise while Caleb and Joshua did.  I could preach a sermon about faith and false humility here (and I usually DO do a child version for Caleb!), but I've got to keep this post relatively short!  He finds such joy in being named after not one, but two Biblical heroes and the smile on his face is priceless.  He has big shoes to fill with the names "Caleb" and "Joshua"!

Caleb certainly has inherited the farming bug!  There is nothing that pleases him more than to be told that he can go outside and work with Daddy.  When he was a toddler, he would stand at the back door after Josh left, banging on it and sobbing for Daddy to come back and get him.  Then he would run to the window and do the same thing, except the window was worse because he could then see Daddy walking away.  Trust me when I say he was heart breaking for all three of us!  Now he gets to go out quite often.  There are a few things that keep him from working: his school schedule, the jobs that are done on the no-cab tractors, and the chemical-ly jobs, for example.  I have had my share of  having to deal with tears in the morning because he wants to stay home from school to farm.  Thankfully, those don't come too often, but when they do, its quite the job to calm! More often, its the tears and hurt feelings after school that I have to comfort when certain jobs aren't safe.  But for the most part, he's right there along side, working away!  And yes, he's often given real jobs that are actual help to Josh and Loren.

Caleb is a very smart, compassionate, very active, funny, handsome (I could go on and on) young man, and Josh and I are indeed blessed to have him in our lives! 

Caleb was more than excited with his day off of school on the Monday after Easter.  When we told him he got to go outside first thing with Daddy, he couldn't wait to get his work belt, pliers holder and sling shot (things he got in his Easter basket) ready for the day!  Here he is, looking up to his daddy, waiting for him to finish getting dressed so they could go out to the porch for his work boots (which he loves having as much as his pliers and sling shot!) and hat and coat.  I treasure the look on his face, full of joy, as he looks up to his father! 

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