Caleb and Sarah's birthdays are fast approaching, meaning that its time to start a countdown! One of our favorite ways to count down to an event is a paper chain. We make a paper chain with a loop for each day until the event happens and at bedtime the kids take one loop off the chain, representing one day closer to the event. The kids see the chain getting shorter and shorter and they're better able to better grasp a sense of time with the visual.
SO.... since their birthdays are fast approaching and excitement is building (along with the continual questions of "how many days....?"), it was time to make a chain!
We went to my supply of construction paper to pick the colors for the chains. Notice Lightning and Mater were helping us with our Sunday afternoon project! |
The general rule in our house is "ladies first" for two reasons. One, Caleb is expected to understand the concept of waiting for his turn a little better than Sarah is; and two, it teaches Caleb to be the gentleman I know he is going to grow up to be. Be assured, Sarah doesn't always get to go first and she gets her fair share of having to wait her turn. |
So handsome :-) |
Ta da! Chains are all finished and awaiting to go upstairs to be bedside. Caleb's chain is six links shorter than Sarah's... and this year, their birthdays are in the same week. Caleb's will be on Sunday and Sarah's on that following Saturday. |
This is an up close look. The date on top is the day the link will be torn off and the number on the bottom is how many days are left to the big day. So, on January 26 there will be 17 days left until Caleb's birthday. The kids love it and it keeps me from having to answer the question of how many days are left! |
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