... I say "Next year's bountiful garden!" Although its only November, its time to fertilize the garden. Fertilizing in the spring allows the fertilizer to mellow out, compost down and start working in the soil preparing itself to help grow the giant tomatoes and more I'm expecting from next year's gardening work.
First, you must have your husband throw some manure on the ground from the giant stockpile on hand from the cattle lot. He's been working for a few days to clean the lot in preparation for winter anyway, so we might as well take advantage of the free fertilizer. The piece of equipment on the back of the tractor is a manure spreader; it is used to spread dry manure on the ground. |
Next, have your husband grab the plow real quick before your father-in-law takes it away and gets started on real field work. Plowing the manure into the ground just spreads the smelly wealth. After composting over the winter, this spot will be perfect for next year's garden! |
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