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Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Dress

I've always been into the Home Ec-y type of things.  I love to bake and cook, everything from scratch.  I love to embroider/cross stitch.  I love crafts and making our home "homey".

I've always wanted to sew but always ran into snags.  Either I had the time and no machine, or I had the machine and no time.  But recently, things lined up perfectly.  Thanks to a hand-me-down machine from my mother and Caleb starting preschool and being outdoors with Josh as much of the other time as possibles, things worked out that I was able to start a project.  So, Sarah Rose and I headed to the wide world of WalMart, picked out a pattern for a Christmas dress, the materials and supplies and headed home (after several other errands, of course!). 

I have to admit, I was a little overwhelmed when I first opened up the pattern package.  But I just plunged in, learned as I went and here is the result:

Sarah Rose doing her best model pose.

One thing I learned is to hide the zipper more.  Oh well.  We learn as we go, huh?

I have yet to make a matching sweater, but I was so excited I just had to take the pictures now!  There are a lot of mistakes, but its wearable and I think I did a pretty good job for teaching myself my very first project!

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