Josh's birthday was this past Saturday, the 15th. He requested that we have supper at home with his family invited over for the party. And the food he requested was homemade subs and ice cream cake. So, bright and early Saturday morning, I made two big loaves of bread (one white, one dill pepper) to have ready when it was time to make the sandwiches later in the day. The huge sandwiches, made of roast beef, turkey and ham with veggies on the side, were served with chips and fruit and were yummy! No pictures of that though...if you've seen two mega-sized, 18-inches(ish) subs, you've seen them all. But the day before the big birthday, the kids and I worked on the ice cream cake, of which I most certainly DO have pictures! Enjoy...
The base of the cake was a banana cake. To make a banana cake, you must first have mashed bananas. Sarah Rose got the first chance at the smasher.... |
...followed very shortly by Caleb. Who knew smashing up naners was so fun? |
The bananas were mixed with buttermilk. Now I know its a mean trick, but I had Caleb take a deep whiff of the buttermilk just for a laugh. (At least I didn't have him take a big gulp!) If you've ever baked with buttermilk, you know it gives cakes a great aged flavor, but it has a less than great smell.... |
 | proved by Caleb! |
Mixing up the butter and sugars. |
And mixing the butter and sugars with the flour and other dry ingredients. You can see what great helpers I have in the bakery! |
Into the oven it went, and it smelled wonderful in no time! |
Meanwhile, we got the ice cream out and started the ice cream layers. First, we spread the vanilla around, followed by a chocolate-banana ganache, strawberry ice cream and finally chocolate ice cream. |
Caleb's turn with the ice cream. The kids thought this was just terrific... to be allowed to "play" with the ice cream?!?! Wow! |
The cake and ganache cooling. |
Licking the whipped cream beaters! This is a treat for two reasons: one, I usually do everything by hand with a whisk...meaning there is only one and since share-licking is gross, it goes right into the sink; and two, usually the beaters have raw eggs...okay for mama (yep, I'm a batter taster), but not for mama's kids! Anyway, whipping cream is one thing I DO use beaters for and thus, the licking! |
So, many steps, layers and 24 hours later:
Its complete! I got the idea from a web site, but modified it (alot) to make it the way I wanted it. |
That was the cake. A few hours earlier, Josh opened his gift. He insisted on opening it right after breakfast...what a kid!
He had a little help! The kids and I had wrapped it a couple weeks earlier and just let it sit out so he could shake it and be tormented while he tried to guess what it was. Thankfully, the kids had no idea what the gift was when we wrapped it, so I was able to keep it a secret! |
First, a sticker for his Jeep that says "If you can read this, turn me over." Its supposed to go on the window upside down. Haha, funny I know. |
Secondly, a clinometer. Its a device that tells how steep the Jeep is tilted, level- and ptich-wise. I thought he would like a couple of toys for his Jeep... |
...and I was right!
Happy Birthday, Dear! |
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