One of our outside duties the past couple of weeks has been to plant the fall items to ready them for spring. First, we needed Josh's help to plant a weeping mulberry tree in one corner of our yard.
The day that I, er... I mean sweet talked Josh into running the truck into town to pick up the tree I bought was beautiful. (I can drive the truck, but going through busy intersections with the kids in a stick shift makes me awfully nervous!) We had planned to plant the tree as soon as we got home and almost carried that plan out. But, last minute, we decided we weren't sure exactly where we wanted it. Josh marked the spot and everything before we put off planting for a week just to make sure. I tried putting the tree (in its pot) in several different spots around the yard to see where we liked it best before... |
...we finally decided to plant it where we were originally going to put it. Notice we now have jackets on, as the weather wasn't near as nice as it was the week prior. |
One spade, one shove, two kids, me and J osh made for quick work! |
We got a good chuckle from BushHog, the cat. He kept looking into the treepot, wondering where the tree went! |
He finally gave up! |
Watering the plants has become the favorite chore around here among the kids. We have a new lilac bush, all the bushes we planted last year (three dozen or so) and now the new tree. We've kept them watered throughout the drought so they wouldn't die, everything else (the dozens of petunias and other flowers I planted) was bid a slow farewell as the ground got drier and drier. But there's only so much water we're willing to pay for as far as flowers go. |
One day, we'll look back at this and the next picture and marvel at how small both the kids and the tree once were! |
After planting, Josh started chores. See him in the background, fighting with Mr. Ford about where the calf was going to spend the night? Apparently Ford wanted to stay where he was, but Josh wanted him moved...thus the tug of war. |
Later in the week, the kids and I planted tulip and daffodil bulbs. Nothing special about that, but the couple of pictures I captured of Sarah Rose are cute:
She's sitting right smack on top of the daffodil bulbs that I had just planted, dismantling the Fall decor kernel by kernel. |
Such a cutie! She was so concentrated on the corn she didn't even know I was there.
Oh! And if you look close, you'll notice that her shoes are on the wrong feet. Our very independent Sarah Rose dresses herself and sometimes things get put on backwards... I choose to pick my battles, and this was one of them! |
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