My sleeping children crack me up. I kid you not when I say that my two young'uns do not sit still. They are all the time go go go, wiggling, squirming, bouncing, moving, moving, moving. Even when a movie is playing or their favorite show is on, we're playing a game, they're eating a meal, we're reading a book, whatever... they have to be doing something involving action. I'm constantly reminding them to be still when they should be (meals, school, church, etc.) and trying to be understanding and patient with them when they're on their own time. I know many mothers deal with this... but I've done babysitting, daycare, and taught for years now and literally worked with thousands of kids, so when I say that my kids are more active than normal, please know that I know what I'm talking about! These kids are beyond active! When I see my kids peacefully sleeping, lying there not moving a muscle and as quiet as can be, I can't help but chuckle to myself thinking that if they
could consciously continually squirm while sleeping, they would.
I've shown my sleeping beauties in the past, here are some more pictures to oooh and ahhh over.
(By the way, while typing this intro, I just had to remind Sarah that she is not to swing Tarzan style off the curtain using my curtains as the vine. Case in point! My kids are really good kids as most people could attest to, they're just active!)
So sweet. Sarah usually sleeps with something. As of late, her stuffed animal of choice is a cute little lamb she's dubbed "Lamby". See it tucked under her chin? She doesn't go to bed without it. |
Caleb could give or take a sleeping buddy. This night, I remember distinctly, I had just told him about a stuffed pig that I had gotten for him at Tractor Supply while I was still pregnant with him. It was his very first stuffed animal. So he slept with it. Its there under his arm. |
There's Lamby again. And apparently there was a hold up in Sarah's room right before I checked her before going to bed myself. |
She's got Lamby as well as her giant bunny in bed with her. |
Another night, more dollies. Sometimes, she'll get tucked in with just Lamby but when I check on her, there are more things in bed with her. |
Sarah will wake up more often than not with just one sock on. And many times, she'll run around all day (if I let her) with just one sock on. From what she tells me, she intentionally takes it off as opposed to it just falling off. On this particular morning, she had both of them off. I guess both feet got hot! She must get this gene from her mother.... I hate shoes AND socks and will ONLY wear them if absolutely necessary! |
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