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Monday, September 27, 2010

That's one BIG dirt pile!

Currently, we have a huge dirt pile in the back of our yard.  We took advantage of the last day of nice weather to get dirty in it.  The pictures are out of order and really don't do justice to how dirty the kids really got, but believe me when I say they had a ton of dirty fun!

Caleb was beyond excited when I turned him loose in the yard to run to the dirt pile. There he goes!

Climbing the mountain.

Success!  Job well done!

Then the kids discovered the rain storm from the day before had left mud puddles!  Since it was sunny and warm, I let them jump right in.

Sarah was thrilled to be dirty right along with her big brother, who was more interested in finding walnuts and throwing them than playing with Sarah.

The sand was wet from the rain, perfect for molding and getting dirtier!

Awww...playing so sweetly!  Of course, the game was "Let's try to hit Sarah in the head", but still, it was all laughs.

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