Continuation of some of our summer activities:
We do try to play and work outside as much as we can. With the excessive heat, however, our outside time has been limited. When its really hot out, we (the kids and I) usually just wait until the evenings to go out closer to sundown when the worst of the heat has moderated a bit. (I'm not one who insists on being outside if its miserable... to me, its just not worth my children's health to be able to say we went outside every summer day.) They play in the wading pool, on the swingset or just run around making up their own games as children have a tendency to do; I water, weed and harvest from the garden. During the heat of the day, we find things to do inside. Here are just a few samples of the ways we spend our time:
We use our imagination to invent all kinds of games, usually (but not limited to) the chasing and roaring sort! With some creative costumes, anything's possible!
Ever since the kids could walk, they've loved to put hoodie towels on their heads and run around. With a little hair clip to hold it on, they now run around playing super hero. |
There were a few days that it was so hot that Josh actually stayed in and spent a couple hours after lunch with us! He would then go out towards evening to finish the day's work. This almost NEVER happens... in fact, in the seven years we've been together, I could probably count the number of times Josh stayed inside (other than on Sunday) on less than half of the fingers on one hand! (It didn't help that they had problems with the cattle relating to the heat and when they were working with the herd in the morning, Josh and Loren themselves got overheated. It was for their own safety that they stayed in for a bit!)
This was one of the past times on the days that Josh stayed in those extra couple of hours; one game that lasted several days. Girls vs. Boys playing Racopoly (Knoxville's sprint car version of Monopoly.) With great pleasure I will announce that I am undefeated for the past seven years and Josh now refuses to play with me anymore. |
Caleb spends any time outdoors with Josh that he can. And doing so, he's become quite the little mechanic-wannabe!
Sarah would make a lap around the house and then Caleb would stop her to make a mechanical adjustment! It was pretty cute. |
And then Sarah took on the role of mechanic herself. |
I've also started giving the kids a few chores here and there. They do chores to pitch in to help the family, not for an incentive of allowance.
There's my little muscle man! I'm teaching him to do the laundry early so he'll one day gladly help his wife fold and put away! |
In the past, I've never been a fan of the Olympics. I'm no sport fan! BUT we caught the U.S. swimming trials on television one evening and the kids were mesmerized!
I think this 15 minute stretch of watching swimming was the stillest my kids have ever been unless sleeping! Notice the ongoing game of Racopoly on the coffee table. And you bet I was still winning! |
Not everything we've done has been at home. Our church sponsored two movie days, complete with popcorn, games and prizes. Alas, in my eagerness to be there on time to help set up, I walked out the door with no camera, thus no pictures. But it was tons of fun and a special treat for the kids!
We also attended Eddyville's library programs, with both special guest speakers and a reading program. The reading program was divided into age groups and was held at the library and included stories, snacks and crafts. The special guests sessions were sponsored by the library but held at the school for the sake of having more room since it included all ages. The special guests included Dizzy the Clown, Blank Part Zoo, speakers from the area county conservation places (can't think of they're real names), Eddyville Historical Society, and the Eddyville Garden Club (of which the pictures below were taken) and one last one next week from the Science Center. The event always included information, door prizes and stories and many times included games, snacks and activities.
The Eddyville Garden Club brought things for the kids to plant their own seeds. They planted beans in clear cups so they could watch the root system develop. |
One of the door prizes we won! Sarah has won two books, a Rockets hoodie and a Build-a-Bear koala. Caleb has won a book and I won a Rockets shirt. Nice. |
The kids were even sent home with a make-your-own book sheet! |
Remember when I said that I'm not one to insist on being outside when its excessively hot? Well, that includes going to the fair, even if it is a once a year thing. I had hoped that we could take the kids to the Southern Iowa Fair (Osky Fair), but it was just too stinking hot! But that didn't keep us from having Fair Food! (By the way, we would have done this anyway, we never buy food at the fair.)
"Look how long my curly fry is!"
Frozen fries and corn dogs are a HUGE treat for my kids, as I don't purchase this stuff very often at all! |
And not to be outdone, Sarah had to show off her curly fry, too! |
And so ends "Some of Summer, Part 2". I think there will be yet one more post before I move on to current events.
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