My kids were awful sleepers for the first two years of their lives. Caleb didn't sleep through the night until two (maybe three?) nights before I went to the hospital to have Sarah, and that was just days after his second birthday. Just when Caleb started sleeping soundly, we had Sarah and the awful sleeping pattern started all over again... except Sarah was closer to two and a half years old before she started sleeping through the night. I tried every bit of advice I was given, but I think it was just the simple fact that I spent every minute of every day (except Monday evenings which was Praise Team practice, to which I admittedly looked forward to every week for just those two hours of rest!) with them and because we were so close, they wanted Mama's company at night, too. But they eventually became to be very sound, very hard sleepers. Though you will see that Sarah still doesn't want to sleep alone:
We put Sarah to bed with a couple of her favorite stuffed animals or dolls, but between the time she goes to bed and when I check on her before I go to bed, she generally has added a few things. |
This was one of her funnier night. She started to bed with two or three items (as usual), but when I checked on her, she had definitely added things. On her bed I found the Kid Sister doll (that's laid across her), her sock monkey, Rosie (her dolly), a pink teddy bear, her Barbie, a stuffed tiger, her plastic hair dryer and if you look real close you can seen her jeans skirt by the headboard. I think that's it. I removed almost everything and she slept soundly through the whole toy-ectomy. |
Awwww... isn't that sweet?!?! Caleb occasionally snores and talks in his sleep, but the funniest story I have on him is when he put himself in the corner in the middle of the night! I guess he was being naughty in his dream, deserving of a time out. I was awakened in the middle of the night by Caleb sobbing. I went to check on him, and there he was... standing with his nose in the corner, still asleep. He's never done anything like that since. And we still get quite the chuckle when we tell the story :-) |
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