Another hodge-schmodge blog post... a little bit of this and that.
First, you all know we love our Sunday afternoons when we get Josh all to ourselves (unless something "comes up" cows getting out). And this past Sunday afternoon was no exception. After church and a packed picnic in the park, we headed home for a short rest before we started in on the adventure. This week's adventure: Jeep ride, the "new" way!
Shortly after we got the Jeep, Josh took the backseat out to make room for his toolbox. Up until now, the kids have sat on our laps when we go for a ride. But this past Sunday, Josh put the backseat back in so that now when we go for rides the kids can sit on their own. Its more comfortable for all of us.
To clarify things, our Jeep rides are slow rides through the pastures to check the cow herd... very slow and very safe. Sometimes we take the country roads to get some scenery...still very slow and very safe. |
This is one of the back roads trips. We happened to be by a railroad when a train was coming. Caleb was excited. Sarah Rose freaked out because she thought it was going to be loud...which it was! |
And there's the train. If she was crying before, she really let it out now! Sarah Rose really likes trains (because Big Brother does!), but that's when she is inside an enclosed vehicle. Something about a topless Jeep must make it seem more...riskier in her eyes. |
The kids were pretty proud of themselves that they were big enough to sit by themselves and use a big seat belt! Sarah Rose was ecstatic that Caleb let her wear his blue dinosaur shirt! |
What's HER problem? Notice her cute bandanna is turned backwards. That's because she insisted that it be a duck bill. Gotta love youngsters and their imagination! |
On to the babies:
I think it may have been Monday morning that we noticed MamaCat came up without her pregnant belly. (I can't go off the date of the picture because the time is set wrong on the camera.) So the kids and I went on a little scavenger hunt. The hunt was very short as we found them in the first place we looked! |
Except Sarah Rose was a little skittish, so she played peek-a-boo with me between the porch railings. |
There's MamaCat under the porch with five kittens. At least I think its five...its hard to tell when they are all in one big wiggly heap. We now have ten cats on the yard. Geesh! |
And now on to the good deals:
The kids and I went shopping on Monday as well. Usually they are very "good" when we're in the grocery store, but that day they wanted everything. The one thing they asked for and actually got was doughnuts. We don't usually buy such things, but they were on sale so I relented. They were so excited the next morning at breakfast that I couldn't help but take a picture of their enthusiasm for eating their special treat. |
Tough dude with his tank top, tattoo and doughnut! |
A quick stroll through the Kmart clearance aisle found a children's horseshoe game for $1.50! |
Caleb is pretty good at tossing the horseshoes! |
Sarah Rose just flings the suckers and hopes for the best. That's m'girl ;-) |
And then Daddy came up for supper. We've been eating supper outside lately. He watches the kids while I go in to either make sandwiches or bring the already prepared meal out. Poor guy must have had a hard day 'cause I walked out to find him laying down on the job. |
And Sarah Rose had stolen his hat! |
Our older kittens are very kid friendly and Caleb has discovered that the most out going one likes to be walked upright. Here, Caleb's introducing the poor kitty to the new horseshoe game.
(Please don't feel sorry for the cat...he really doesn't mind! If he showed any discomfort at all, Josh and I would put an end to the game.) |
Hello, KittyCat! |
See? When the cat got tired of being played with, Josh rescued him. |
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