Here's the rest of the pictures from our camp out.
Joshua thought he could sneak up on me to take a picture before I caught on to what he was doing. What he temporarily forgot was that I'm THE lightest sleeper EVER, waking up at every move or sound... giving me plenty of time to get the covers over my head. Better luck next time, Bud! |
The first night we slept out was Saturday. So we had to be up bright and early to get ready for church the next morning. Josh tried for several minutes to wake Caleb up with no success. It finally took a promise for cuddling with me to get him up and moving. We do love our cuddle times in the morning, something I'm going to miss when school starts next week. |
Caleb modeling our "cougar beatin' stick". (Yes, folks...its a joke.)
Whenever we have to go out after dark, I suggest to Josh to not let the cougars get him. And even though its in jest, there is some reality to it seeing as there are at least a mama, her cubs and at least one more (those cubs had to get here somehow!) roaming around in our area. Its been verified by several neighbors and pictures, along with some unfortunate missing calves. Not only do we have cougars, but we have huge packs of coyotes and wild dogs. We've seen coyotes walking on our yard right by the house on more than one occasion. So, not that I expected anything to bother us, but we had the cougar beatin' stick ready in case anything got any bright ideas :-) |
Moonrise on the second night. |
The second night brought more playing with flashlights. |
Awwww. So pretty. And tired. |
If I remember right, there was a huge roar that went with this picture. The flashlights were terrific...they kept the kids occupied while Josh and I just kicked back and waited for their bedtime. |
He seeeeeees you! |
Our camp out was a lot of fun. Its something we'll definitely do again next summer.
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