This past Sunday, we had great fun at our church's annual picnic and baptism service. We are new to the church, so this is the first picnic we've been to. Although the pictures are few, great fun was had by all!
We gathered at Lake Keomah for the festivities. This is the view from the picnic area. Pretty, isn't it? |
One of the games that we had was an arm wrestling machine. Caleb and Sarah Rose were eager to try it out! I think our tough little Sarah Rose can match Caleb's strength pretty close. If they were able to reach the handles, it would probably have been a draw! Probably a good thing for Caleb that their arms were too short lest he be beat by a girl! |
Much to the delight of the kids, there were also bounce houses... |
...and chairs that swiveled! I think the kids had as much fun spinning each other around in the chairs as they had in the bounce houses! |
But before we played any of the games or ate from the massive lunch selection, we were able to witness many of our church members bear their testimony through the act of baptism! |
I'm not sure exactly how many were baptised, but somewhere in the neighbor of 20 made the decision. It was very exciting! |
After the baptism service, the kids were finally let loose in the bounce houses. The one with the giant slide was their favorite! Here's Caleb... |
....and Sarah Rose.... |
...and the big kid himself!
(I'm taking a minute to brag on Josh. I didn't feel very well, so Josh was very sweet and agreed to go into the bounce house to get Sarah Rose accustomed to the "how to's" of the ladder and slide. I very thankful for a husband who so quickly agrees to donning his big kid hat and helping out!)
Josh and a friend, both left handers, took their turn at arm wrestling. The machine was set up for right handers at the time, so I think they both put their right arms to the maximum test. Even though Josh technically touched his side down first, it was such an even match and their faces were the exact same color of bright red that I think it should be considered a tie. I couldn't get a shot of the actual match, but the picture is a good one of Josh's "Holy Cow, that was hard! Will my arm ever be sore tomorrow!" look. (And it was.) |
I wish I had more pictures, but with just these few I hope you can tell that it was a great afternoon of fun and fellowship!
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