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Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Chillin'!

What should one do on a dreary, chilly weekend?  Well, observe and you may get your answer...

Saturday, when your younger sister is napping, you could convince your mother to get out the big checkers and challenge her to a game:

100,000,000 points to the first person who correctly identifies the theme to this checker game.

100,000,001 points to the first person who correctly identifies the true owner of this checker game.
OR, you could invite your good college friends out for a visit:

We visited, we played, we ate... but only the farm babies brought out the camera.  We watched Josh through the window while he fed Baby Honda, and then he brought a couple of the chicks up to the house for the kids to see.

The chicks got a lot of attention.  I kept an eye on my rug, hoping the attention the chickies were getting wouldn't result in my rug needing special cleaning attention.

And enter Galen...

...who wasn't too sure what to think.  I'm not sure if he was more concerned that the chick was peeping (loudly) or that the man who was holding the chick was smelly and dressed strange.

And Chloe with her mommy and daddy.  She was a little more sure of the chick than Galen was, but she didn't stay long 'cause the whole toy room was filled with "new-to-Chloe" toys! 
 OR, you could wait until after church on Sunday and have Daddy introduce you to a whole new concept by way of TV shows:

What, I'm sure you're wondering, could they be watching that both kids would actually sit still long enough for me to have to wonder what they're up to, stop washing the dishes to go find out, get the camera AND take a picture before anyone made a move?

The answer, in case you can't make it out between the glare of the window and the reflective flash on the screen, was that  they had discovered a monster truck show on television.  Caleb LOVED it!  And Sarah loved it because Caleb loved it.  I do believe it will be our next "new thing".  (You can't see me, so just imagine me rolling my eyes.)

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