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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Adventures in Pottytraining, Part 2

I've proclaimed Sarah pottytrained.  She still wears a diaper to bed, though she wakes up half the time dry (YAY!).  But she's had very few accidents, even insisting on stopping her playtime outside to go back inside (no matter how far the walk is) to potty in the potty.  We've had great success in just a short amount of time!  However, I don't think Sarah is very happy that her dollies aren't having the same luck.  Take a look:

One afternoon, I heard the bathroom door open.  (It has a terrible creak to it that I keep just for this I can hear when the kids go in.)  I gave her a minute of privacy and then popped my head in to see what she was up to.  Luckily, she didn't see me, giving me a chance to go snatch the camera and one picture before she caught on to what I was up to. 

And the startling realization that she had been caught!

She's a nice fit, huh?  And yes, I super clean the little bowl out with disinfectant wipes each time so I know the dolly was safe to play with afterwards.

Sarah Rose is as proud as she could be that she thought of the idea to potty train her baby herself.  She was having a grand ol' time!

And do you know what happens when naughty dollies don't peepee when they're suppose to?  They get squished inside the potty, lid completely shut.  Now, the whole sitting right beside the potty to encourage the dolly...that's a habit she got from me.  And I missed getting a picture of the toilet paper scene, but that she also picked up from me.  And cheering afterwards, me too.  But THIS one....this one I can't take credit for.  Sarah wouldn't fit if I tried it :-)

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